Alums Giving Back!
#AAAogivekarein 🎓

Ashoka is a strong community of over 4000 alums. Imagine what would happen if every member of the network came together to support student-scholarships. Our collective efforts can encourage students to dream big, regardless of their financial situation.

56,714 INR donated so far!

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Why Give Now?

Invaluable experience

You enjoyed getting your degree. Interacting with your institution as a successful individual will be an even more valuable experience.

Playing it forward

You will set off a virtuous cycle of future giving back by new alumni regularly. It is actually like playing tag: play it forward!

Best feeling in the world

When you know that someone can live a better life, thanks to you. And when that someone is from your alma mater, the best becomes even better.

Message from Pramath

Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Ashoka University

There cannot be a greater good for Ashoka Alumni than to give to alma mater. Their education was made possible by the generous giving of others—they have an obligation to pay it forward. Moreover, India needs the few who have a privileged education to help those that don’t have access to one—giving to Ashoka makes that possible. Finally, the great universities of the world got there because of the giving of their alumni—Ashoka’s greatness will depend on how generous our alums are!

Message from Venkat

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Development, Placements and Alumni Relations), Ashoka University

As students, you've been the beneficiaries of a generous and philanthropic education. Future generations of students can also receive this education if you give back to Ashoka. The university needs your help and support to make this mission possible!

What Your Peers Say

Jairaj Bhattacharya
Founder and MD, Convegenius | YIF'12

Ashoka taught me how building a great eco-system can mobilize value. Visionary founders, exemplary faculty, and talented students create an N-square effect on the ecosystem. Giving back to Ashoka will catalyze this further and unlock value for talented individuals getting scholarships and taking risks that symbolizes the true spirit of entrepreneurship and change-makers.

Mahesh Jakhotia
Mahesh Jakhotia
Co-founder Bijak | YIF'12

Being a part of YIF was a life-changing decision for me, both professionally and personally. It would be my ultimate joy to see more and more people experience YIF/Ashoka. Giving back is one of the avenues, which lets me fulfill this desire! Glad to play a very small role in this.

Natasha Zarine
Natasha Zarine
Co-founder and MD, EcoSattva Environmental Solutions | YIF'13

What I receive from the fellowship and all those who made it a reality, is boundless. I can only strive to give forward in the same spirit as those from whom I have received... And contribute in my small way so that more and more students get to experience Ashoka's truly inspiring education.

Give Ashoka

Help fund scholarships for deserving students!

Top Batches

  • UG, Class of 2017 ₹25200
  • YIF, Class of 2016 ₹10000
  • YIF, Class of 2020 ₹6602
  • YIF, Class of 2013 ₹5000
  • YIF, Class of 2012 ₹3100

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